Today was an early start. I'm telling you, something is going to happen. The enemy is attacking. Distractions galore. We are thinking of you, Colorado. We are praying for you and all the fire-fighters. After taking everything in so early in the morning, we loaded the vans and headed off to Zion church.
The church was a converted box theatre, so naturally it was a great performing space. After a quick set up, the mimes ran through and we sat in the congregation. After announcements, we had praise and worship and then it was the mines turn to perform. The first service was really small; maybe 10 people total. All were attentative as the mimes performed their 3 songs.

The message was amazing. The basis was the lame man on his mat that Jesus healed. Pastor Darrell put it in a light that I had never seen before. Jesus told the man to 1 - get up, 2- pick up his mat, 3- walk. He related this to the calls that jesus has for all Christians. Just up take up your cross, and walk. It was a really good message.The second service was packed. A lot of the people were kids from the Roc, who has seen the mimes before. All were excited as the mimes got ready. There were two in the back that were texting during most of the service and the performance. But even they paused to witness "not alone." That song seems to speak volumes to these kids. After their performance, we quickly packed and went to lunch.There, we ate a quick lunch before the older team jetted out for the prison. The younger team had a little more time to enjoy their lunch. Andy had a high fever during the night before and it hadn't passed. Marcy (who had come to join us) offered to take him and his mom home. Courtney was also being bothered by an injured knee, so she went along with them.

YOUNGERThe rest of the team headed out to the Governors Place retirement home, the place where last year we all decided we would retire. We were there a bit early so the mimes worked out the set as the boys set up the sound. After everything was set, the mimes went and invited residents to the performance. Soon, the room was filled with sweet older ladies, all ready to watch. as the mine showed their stuff the ladies watch all attentatively. One lady came late, just in time to catch the last two songs. She was very upset that she was late, and wouldn't sit and be comfortable. She wanted to find the gal who invited her, desperately wanting to let her know that even though she was late, she was there. I promised that the kids would come around after they were done, so she relaxed. The mimes had a great idea; they taught the ladies a few mime moves so for the last song, the women could join in. It was fantastic.

At the end, the kids mixed as promised, and the woman got to meet the one who invited her. One lady, Luverne, was so inspired by learning the mime moves that she invited Tanner to dance with her. She was making jokes the entire time; poor Tanner was having a time trying to contain his laugher. After we danced, we talked, and laughed, we packed up. Since we had an hour or two before our next performance, we went to Starbucks for some much needed caffeine and cool drinks. Once we had our fix, we switched drivers (Patti was transfering back to the prison team) then we headed to our next home.
OLDERThe first home was amazing! Thes audience was only seven-ish people, but they were so excited and full of life and God. During "Be thou my vision" they sang one lady gently to sleep. And during "when I survey" one of the women woke up and at first she was very confused where she was; but when she saw Stephanie and Rachael smiling at her, she smiled back and enjoyed the rest of the presentation. The mimes were going to end with shout to the lord, but suddenly the spirit was calling "praise you" this spured several conversations. One lady named Mary was so encouraged. "Just because I'm old, doesn't mean I don't have a mission. This is your mission and I have mine. My roomate isn't saved yet!" Another lady had lost her leg to diabetes and was about to lose the next one soon. "I guess this is my storm. I will praise God in it"
This home was such a relaxed place. Several of the residents were excited and coherant; a breath of air for the team. This place they worked out the set quickly, and only had to run through a single song as the sound guys worked on thier job The residents were friendly and chatted with the adults as they waited. Finally, it was time to begin. The kids were rock solid. It was amazing the focus they kept; especially when they faced the door, people kept walking past, and one lady actually stood up in the middle of the performance and glared at the mimes. She eventually sat down, but it was certainly awkward.
After talking with the residents, we packed up and headed out to our final home.
OLDERThis home had a group of abou ten people. The mood was much more relaxed and slow than the first one. The set was so good. The people were so intrigued. Steph intro'ed most of the songs, one included "I know everything can get confusing, especially with all the new technology out" most everyone nodded in agreement. "But God knows our hearts and our pains and our confusions." Then she sang "The real me" and the mood changed and became so lighter. The last song was "I will Rise" The mood had changed so much and everything was just so peaceful that all the mimes just worshiped. The residents just loved it. Afterwards, the mimes went to mix with the residents. One lady insisted that the group stay for dinner. Then we packed up, and headed out.
This home would be the largest home of the night. We had some time, so the sound guys set and as the mimes talked out the set. They spattled a little bit before. Linda pointed out that we didn't pray before and we really needed to. Once we did that, our heads were clear and the kids could work on the set. A toss-up was in the air - should we do If That's What It Takes or One Touch. Then Tanner came around the corner, confessing that one of the nursing home residents planned to leave when she heard the performace was about Jesus. That settled it - If That's what it takes would be the one. The mimes gathered once more before going out and doing what they do best. Thier audience was rivited. I hope they got the message.

We talked with the residents for quite some time. My friend was Luverne, who was very talkative and greatful for us coming. Dalores was grateful also, but a little upset with the new activities director, who apparently forgot to tell the residents that we were coming. She wanted to share with all her friends, but because she is very disabled, she couldn't leave.After we talked, we went to dinner. It was nice to talk about the day, make jokes and just enjoy each other's company.
OLDERWe went to do a quick dinner at Subway. It was so funny. One group was staffing at a camp, and when they came in, they were convinced we were a ninja convention. It was so great to talk and fellowship and be silly with other believers. Our last stop for the day was Bridgeport prison. As we waited outside, the mimes practiced the songs until they called us in. You know that Patty. The metal detector went off when she got waved and kept going. The mimes teased her, all in good fun when she kept going, not hearing the guards requests to come back. We walked into the chapel, greeted some of the guys and talked with some from last year, one even from two years ago. It was awesome to catch up. First we had worship.
Because of good behavior, the prisoners were allowed to form a praise band. The ministry was so established that this was possible. It seems that to keep the men grounded, they needed to be grounded in the word. (crazy concept, right?) So, that's how they grew the ministry. Freedom was the song that stuck out. "freedom from chains, freedom from bondage" It was so awesome because many of these men found Jesus in jail.
"While in prison,I found freedom, and I don't want to go back to the world and get imprisoned again."
They found freedom in Christ in jail, and didn't want to go back to their old lives and old flesh that would imprison them again. deep and confound. "East to west" certainly demonstrated that. They also loved not guilty which gave them the same final verdict. The sets were powerful. The men sang along to every song they knew...they worshiped.
"God is good..."
"all the time!"
"all the time..."
"God is good!"
Not guilty just sent so much energy. The mimes held nothing back. It was because the prisoners know. They know what it is like to be chained in sin. And they just wanted to hear God give that verdict of "not guilty" and have angels come and toss away their chains. It was just so awesome. One man had never gone to chapel. This was his first time. During "I will rise" and "if that's what it takes" tears just poured down his cheeks. Everything just worked together so well. The line for prayer was so long. This is when the prisoners would ask the mimes to pray with them for various things...most