Inside the older home, the mimes set up and invited the residents to come join them. The residents were silent and blank as the mimes performed. That made it a little more difficult than the last home. Most of the residents were unresponsive; there was no energy for the mimes to feed off of. The mimes would have to worship by themselves. But there was one woman in the front that was all smiles. The mimes were encouraged; and poured even more into the set. So much so, that during "I will Rise" one watching nurse was moved to tears. At the end, the mimes received the applause greatfully and had a little time for handshakes before they could check the first text messages and calls, informing them about The fire at Waldo Canyon. This shattered the focus of the team. Many liked to hike the area, and even more many have friends and family that were mandatorily evaccuated from the area. All thoughts were at home. They quickly repacked to meet the younger team at Sonic and reconviene. As they finished their cool drinks, some prayed over family. We went to Walmart to relax in the AC as we burned an hour before our final split for the day. We tried avenger masks and played with the toys. who was a nice time to stay in the air conditioning while we killed time. Soon it was time for our split.
OLDER (no pictures in prisons allowed)
The olders quickly checked into the first prison...the prison which last year God had directed them to a comeplete different building all together. When we were driving up, we saw the building we were at last time, and surprisingly kept going. When we pulled up, we all took a collective "huh!" Everyone distinctly remembers standing out in the parkinglot and looking for the 'blue building" only to see a field and nothing. It blew us away when this time, the building was plain as day. It was even more clear that God didn't want them there.
The first set was the faith-based dorm. This was for guys that are seeking to live a life for the Lord. There were about forty guys. The set was completely acappella. The men came in very friendly and respectful; many introduced themselves and shook hands. David started the set with his testimony. The men certainly connected with him, some clapped, some said Amen. They were very responsive. The set only lasted 30 minutes, but God moved. Because it was acappella, the mimes had to push. It was wonderfull to see the progression of the set. The story of praising God inthe storm, to when God - you ran can run from God, but he's always going to welcome you. "East to west"-don't let the things of the past keep you from God. I will rise -we are going to see God, and praise him. They ended the set with "Your Great name" most joining in and singing.
The guards kept a tight schedule. Immediately at the end, the mimes were led to the chapel. They had just a few minutes to check the set before the guys started filling in. They just kept coming, and coming until they filled the room. Every seat was filled...130ish VOLUNTARY seats to be exact. They took roll, very elementary style. "here" Quite a few had Bibles. A few of the men had just seen the mimes, and excitedly joined the second performance. One of the guys name was Thomas. He was very friendly and encouaging. David started with his testimony again, and again the men could connect. Some additional songs were added to the second set, and that kept the energy high throughout. David invited them to sing along to any of the songs that they knew....and they knew a lot. Some you could really tell were worshiping; a few had their hands raised, others whispered in agreement. Near the end, David mentioned that this was their mission field. The chaplain then said a few words and asked who had a relationship with the Lord. A majority of the room raised their hands. Awesome.
My name is John Hull member of the pearl at west side christian church in Denver, Colorado I would love to see your act live and more videos
ReplyDeleteHi John!
DeleteWe would love to visit your church to do a live performance! I have emailed your church's general office, but if you have an inside on who to talk with, that would be great! I can be reached at
And more videos are soon to come!